[extropy-chat] Copycat Copycat

Joseph Bloch jbloch at humanenhancement.com
Sun Dec 26 06:20:01 UTC 2004

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> On Dec 23, 2004, at 9:45 PM, Joseph Bloch wrote:
>> I suppose it all depends on how you look at it. Are we interested in 
>> getting positive publicity and funding through false general 
>> impressions? That gets more up-front funding. Or are we interested in 
>> educating people about the true impact of emergent technologies such 
>> as cloning? That gets more long-term acceptance.
>> Honestly, there are arguments on both sides.
> Funny you should use the word "honestly".  "Honestly" there are 
> arguments on one side only.  "Dishonstly" there are arguments for 
> positive publicity and funding through false general impressions.
> I have never believed that the ends justified the means.  This is not 
> a sustainable strategy.  It will eventually be discovered, and will 
> ultimately do more harm than good.  I wish all transhumanists believed 
> as I do. 

I disagree. It depends on the means, and the ends.

Some ends, such as the abolition of slavery, justify almost any means, 
including (to use historical example) the waging of an arguably 
unconstitutional and inarguably vicious and vastly destructive military 
action. You've doubtless heard of it... the Civil War? Or, since you 
live south of the Mason-Dixon line, the War of Northern Agression.

Some means, on the other hand, are innocuous enough to justify their use 
in the pursuit of nearly any end that the user deems preferential. Heck, 
go no further than verbal pursuasion. One can use pursuasion in the 
employ of any cause, any end; it's deemed a fundamental right of being 
human. People only whine about it when they don't like those ends.


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