[extropy-chat] DVD recommendations?

Brian Atkins brian at posthuman.com
Wed Feb 11 02:30:28 UTC 2004

I strongly suggest signing up with Netflix and heavily renting. If you 
watch and return the movies relatively promptly you can easily get the 
price per rental down to around $1.50 each. Then if you find some you 
particularly like you can buy a permanent copy. Or if you want to break 
copyright law you can of course buy a DVD burner and simply copy every 
DVD you rent in order to build up a vast pirated collection. Another 
advantage of Netflix is they generally have a much wider selection of 
rentals than any local video store.

P.S. I find many commentary tracks to be quite lame, but the ones on the 
Lord of the Rings extended edition DVDs were pretty good so far.
Brian Atkins
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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