[extropy-chat] Hubert Mania's comments

Natasha Vita-More natasha at natasha.cc
Mon Jun 28 05:29:36 UTC 2004

At 03:16 AM 6/28/04 +0100, BM wrote:

>Apparently ExI thinks it more important to distance itself from being called
>names than from the repugnant views its board members are airing on its
>wholly owned public "ExI chat list."  Note that Natasha chimed in merely to
>remind us all that ExI is not libertarian or fascist.  ExI's Vice President
>meanwhile tells us that he thinks Robert's view is not only "wrong" (as in
>mistaken) but also "morally wrong."  Harsh words indeed.

You are terribly wrong.  I chimed in when I was asked to.  I have out of 
town guests and I have not been reading the list.  I also am in school full 
time and working full time,  not to mention that I have a cat who is 
seriously ill.  Other than that, I have a book to write, two papers to do 
and piles of communication on my desk that needs attention.

I said that we do not censor the list.  Perhaps we could stop threads when 
then are seriously detrimental to the well being of the list.  Is that not 


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