[extropy-chat] BM's comments

Natasha Vita-More natasha at natasha.cc
Mon Jun 28 06:08:43 UTC 2004

At 03:16 AM 6/28/04 +0100, BM wrote:

>7. I think Robert needs some Robert-time, preferably spent with some good
>books on moral philosophy.  Meanwhile, I think ExI should go stand in the
>corner and seriously reflect on the absurdly disingenuous, pompous and
>ego-stroking manner in which it handles matters of PR.

Do you believe it is disingenuous that ExI finds Robert's thread 
distasteful, that ExI does not want to censor threads, that ExI  will not 
tolerate postings that make public claims directly intended to threaten 
ExI.  You think this is pompous?   In all my years studying the nature of 
organizations and the psychology of fair-play, ExI's behavior is not 
characteristic of an organization being pompous. It is the characteristic 
of an organization being careful.

Why didn't anyone write to me?  Why didn't you BM, tell me that there was a 
thread that was making you angry?  How on earth am I supposed to know what 
is going on if people don't speak up?  I do not have the time to read every 
thread on this list. You are very mistaken about when and why I "chimed" 
in, as I have explained in an earlier thread. In fact, I haven't been 
reading the list due to some very immediate family matters and have been 
away from my email most of the weekend and frequently last week.  I was not 
interested in Robert's thread, so I simply didn't read it.

I can certainly understand why you would be upset with me for not stepping 
up to the plate sooner, but I was totally unaware of this mounting issue. 
It is my nature to deal with problems immediately, and I do not sweep 
problem under the carpet.  You should have emailed me and told me you were 

Again, It is not my responsibility to read the email list.  I will not step 
in to direct the traffic flow of ideas on this list.  That would be the 
worst thing I could do.  If so, you will have another transhumanist list 
run by one person in command. The beauty of this list is directed by the 
flow of ideas.  You all keep threads going and you all can stop threads 
from growing.  All of you could have boycotted Robert by just not 
responding to his thread.

I hope that this list could be deal with any problems on the list and by 
list members and the moderators.  If you have a bone to pick, take it up 
with the list moderators and re-read the list rules and email address for 
moderators.  They are excellent and handle problems efficiently and 

Lastly, why don't you make a list of 5 to 10 things you think ExI could do 
and send it to me privately and I will bring it up at the next Board and 
Advisors meeting and if anyone is interested, we could discuss same on the 
list.  Or, call me on the telephone during business hours and I will be 
available to talk with you.  ExI's phone number is available on the website.


Natasha Vita-More
President, Extropy Institute  http://www.extropy.org
Founder, Transhumanist Arts & Culture  http://www.transhumanist.biz
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