[extropy-chat] Aw Nuts! Bush Wins...

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 4 03:49:54 UTC 2004

> Brian Lee
> Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Aw Nuts! Bush Wins...
> What puzzles me is how so many first time voters went for 
> Bush. I expected all of the increase in new voter registrations to be
anti-Bush. Wierd.

That was a common mistake, a view held by both parties.
The dems were struggling to get young voters to register
and turn out, whereas the reps were hesitant to the point
of being uncomfortable.  But I saw a few interviews where
they actually went onto campuses, and learned that as a
whole, young people are not particularly liberal.  They
seem balanced about the same as their parents generation.
Perhap we made an incorrect generalization about 20-somethings
based on their predecessors.  Their presence at the polls
did not seem to have a big impact either way.

Im trying to get a feel for generation Y issues.  I would
think that the draft would be one of them, but the two major
parties both opposed a draft.  There is a great reason for
this: we can't trust draftees in any conceivable future
conflict.  I would think the right to abortion would be
a generation Y issue, but birth control is getting better,
more foolproof, so perhaps this isn't such a big deal.

So what are the young voters thinking?


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