[extropy-chat][Pigdog]Fwd:ExtropianTrash(fwdfromthespian at doitnow.com)

Brett Paatsch bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au
Sat Sep 11 14:39:28 UTC 2004

scerir wrote:

> Pareto argued that elites are inevitable in all societies. 
> Pareto in particular argued that there were two types of elites: 
> 'lions', who rule by force and coercion, and 'foxes', who
> rule by cunning stealth and persuasion. 

> Are transhumanists lions, foxes, or something else?
> Are Fukuyamists lions, foxes, or something else?
> Are Al-Qaedians lions, foxes, or something else?
> Was Vilfredo Pareto completely wrong?

Something else. Lions and foxes are only used here
as types. That we can consider and use them as types
gives us the answer.

Many if not most individual modern homo sapiens can
leverage tool making intelligence to muster more force
than lions and more cunning and stealth than foxes in the
same specimen.  

That is in no small part because the animal predators of 
modern humans are also often more forceful than lions
and more cunning than foxes - they are other modern

The principle predator and competitor to modern humans
has been modern humans for so long that those that are
alive likely carry genes as well as memes for fierceness and
cunning - including Al-Qaedia.


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