[extropy-chat] Moveon.org

Samantha Atkins samantha at objectent.com
Tue Sep 21 08:39:49 UTC 2004

On Sep 17, 2004, at 6:38 PM, Brent Neal wrote:

>  (9/16/04 19:40) Spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Nor do I.  The difference is one is tax-and-spend,
>> the other is cut-taxes-and-spend-anyway.  What we
>> desperately need is cut-taxes-and-cut-spending.
>> Badnarik is your man, Brent.  I hope some day you
>> will join us.  And the world will live as 6 billion.
> Spike,
>  I voted for Harry Browne twice. I could have kicked myself for the 
> last time, since it indirectly enabled the Shrub to be elected. Until 
> the Libertarians get their shit together, stop jousting windmills, and 
> start thinking practicality, they have no chance, IMO. I'll keep 
> choosing the best of the Dems and the Reps until they do.

Isn't it very counter-productive to continue to vote for what you don't 
want while waiting for someone else to get it together enough to 
impress you enough that you will actually vote for what you do want?   
It seems to make more sense to go out and help the Libertarians "get 
their shit together" or form another party that does have it together 
so what you really believe is the way things should be has a chance.   
Voting for the less evil of two parties you abhor guarantees evil will 
continue to reign and run the country the rest of the way into the 


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