[extropy-chat] Bill Moyers' Comments - Global Environment CitizenAward

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Sat Jan 8 08:11:08 UTC 2005


You might want to check out what could happen to the haline cycle  if 
significant fresh water was dumped into the North Atlantic.    While 
reasonable people may disagree on the extend of problems associated 
with global warming and the extent of such warming itself, it is not at 
all reasonable to simply dismiss the entire topic.  Global warming can 
indeed trigger a new ice age although not as dramatically as in a 
recent rather silly movie that shall remain nameless.

And why is it that bright people on this list have mostly only harped 
on points they disagree with or that play to their favored positions 
while missing the urgency of the inmates having considerable influence 
in the earth's only remaining superpower?  I would think there are more 
important matters at hand.    Or is this sort of response just 
diversion in the face of that which one feels powerless to change?

- samantha

On Jan 7, 2005, at 6:38 PM, spike wrote:

> Natasha Vita-More
> Subject: [extropy-chat] Bill Moyers' Comments - Global Environment 
> CitizenAward
> On Receiving Harvard Medical School's Global Environment Citizen Award
> by Bill Moyers
> ... creating perils with huge momentum like the greenhouse effect that 
> is causing the melt of the arctic to release so much freshwater into 
> the North Atlantic that even the Pentagon is growing alarmed that a 
> weakening gulf stream could yield abrupt and overwhelming changes, the 
> kind of changes that could radically alter civilizations...
> This oddball comment again.  I’ve heard it several times, and I have
> yet to understand why Moyers thinks the pentagon would give a damn
> if there is additional fresh water in the Atlantic.  Do they think an 
> aircraft
> carrier won’t float in a slightly less saline sea?  Are they concerned
>  a northwest passage opening up will cause some kind of conflict
> with northern Europe?  Do they really take seriously the Hollywood
> notion that global warming will plunge us into a new ice age? What is
>  that about really?  Seems the pentagon types would be the last to
> notice or care about global warming. 
> spike
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