[extropy-chat] Access to to Digital Aristotle Training Material

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 10:25:39 UTC 2005

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 22:23:53 -0500, Gary Miller wrote:
> Does anyone here know of any links to, or have access to the 70 pages of
> chemistry input material and test questions 
> used by the contestants in Paul Allen's Digital Aristotle project. 

They explain their data, etc. in several pdfs. (extracts below)


You can download their software from:
and you could try an email enquiry to info at projecthalo.com


The domain chosen for the Pilot was a subset of AP chemistry, namely
stoichiometry and equilibrium reactions, spanning about 70 pages of a
college-level chemistry textbook (Brownet al.2003).
Brown, T.L., H.E. LeMay, B.E. Burstenand J.R.Burdge 2003. 
Chemistry: The Central Science. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
This domain was chosen to assess several important features of KR&R
technology without taking on the entire problem of AI. In particular,
this domain requires complex, deep reasoning, but avoids some areas of
KR&R, such as reasoning with uncertainty and spatial reasoning.

Table 1 lists the topics in the chemistry syllabus. Topics included:
calculations with chemical formulas; aqueous reactions and solution
stoichiometry; and chemical equilibrium. Background material was also
identified to make the selected chapters more fully self-contained.

Subject                                     Chapters    Sections        Pages 
Stoichiometry: Calculations with     3            3.1 - 3.2         75-83 
Chemical Formulas 
Aqueous Reactions and                 4            4.1- 4.4         113 -133
Solution Stoichiometry 
Chemical Equilibrium                    16           16.1- 16.1      613 -653

Sections 2.6-2.9 in chapter two provide detailed information. 
Chapter 16 also requires the definition of moles, which appears in 
section 3.4 pp 87-89, and molarity, which can be found on page 134.
The form of the equilibrium expression can be found on page 580, and 
buffer solutions can be found in section 17.2.



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