[extropy-chat] "Dead Time" of the Brain.

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Sun Apr 30 16:11:39 UTC 2006

"Heartland" <velvet977 at hotmail.com>

> this illusion will belong to a copy, not the original.

But the "copy" will not know this, the "original" will not know this, nobody
will know this except apparently Heartland. By the way, I used quotation
marks because this entire distinction between an exact copy and the sacred
holy all high original is just silly. And by the way, I like illusions,
nothing wrong with them at all.

> That illusion will happen as part of a verifiably different *instance*

It is NOT verifiably different because your sacred atoms have no
individuality; there are no scratches on atoms to tell one from the other.
And don't give me that pompous "trajectory through space time" phrase again
because that information can be erased from the universe; just cool the
atoms down enough.

> I don't think we are constantly dying

Unless of course you've had major surgery and had anesthesia, then according
to you you're toast. I had my appendix out when I was 7 but I don't feel
much like a zombie; but then again maybe you're right, maybe what I think of
as consciousness is but a pale reflection of the glorious thing you
experience, you who has never had anesthesia. Maybe I'm a zombie but don't
know it. Maybe I'm not conscious I just think and feel like I'm conscious.
Maybe the John Clark before the age of 7 is dead as a door nail.

Or maybe your ideas are just dumb.

  John K Clark

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