[extropy-chat] Politics: worthwhile commentary

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 14:51:24 UTC 2006

On 1/2/06, spike wrote:
> Ok, I did misunderstand your comment.  Regarding my notion
> that it is fair game for people to flame each other offlist,
> I should specify that from a list moderator's point of view
> it isn't a violation of the rules.  I do not encourage this
> behavior.  For years I have been urging extropians
> to be kind to each other.

Agreed. All list moderators want to keep flame-fests away from their
public list and almost all list rules say something along those lines.
If flames and insults are kept out of sight then the list looks better
and all the uninvolved list members do not have to suffer the barrage
of insults.

The Extropy-chat List Agreement says:
"Personal Attacks: We do not allow personal attacks or libelous
statements. Those violating this rule may be removed from the List
without notice."
But this is in the context of list behaviour, not private attacks.

Some lists go further than just 'Keep it off the list!', because of
the problem of private harassment of people with the intent to stop
them posting disliked opinions  to the list. Some aggressive people
would be quite happy to drive their disliked opponents away from the
list altogether.

One example I found said something similar to the paragraph below. (I
edited it slightly).  I suggest that consideration be given to adding
a similar paragraph to the extropy-chat List Agreement.

"If you are ever the victim of a private ad hominem attack because of
something that occurred on Extropy-chat, please forward a copy of the
offending post to exi-list-admin at extropy.org.  At the discretion of
the Extropy Institute's list administrators, the perpetrator will be
either warned or immediately temporarily suspended or permanently
banned. Extropy Institute's list administrators will determine the
duration of said ban".


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