[extropy-chat] 2-party-system = 1-dimensional politics (was polls again)

Brian M. Delaney listsb at infinitefaculty.org
Tue Nov 14 17:49:34 UTC 2006

2006-11-09 22:01 skrev Anders Sandberg:
> I don't think 1D politics is due to 2 party systems. I did a PCA analysis
> of Swedish politics (a 7 party system with proportional representation)
> and found that it was dominated by just a single principal component (see
> diagram at http://www.eudoxa.se/politics/dimensioner.html, text
> unfortunately in Swedish).

Anders- Well done!

But who are the likely readers such that an exclamation point would be 
needed here? --

"Svensk politik är mer endimensionell än den amerikanska!" [Swedish 
politics/political views are more unidimensional than American politics.]


Seriously, I will cite this next time my Stockholm colleagues lob their 
stereotypical views of American political culture my way.


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