[ExI] extropy-chat Digest, Vol 54, Issue 6

estropico estropico at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 08:48:03 UTC 2008

>  From: "Stefano Vaj" <stefano.vaj at gmail.com>
>  So far, the only PR annoyances we are suffering are the embarassing
>  implications deriving by your using the word "estropico" for neocon
>  propaganda and from your maniacal and almost solitary witch hunt...

One moment I'm a bloodthirsty neocon, the next I'm a wild-eyed
anarcho-capitalist, then I'm some sort of a papist zeolot... the
feeling of being trapped in a surrealist's nightmare is getting

As for the "solitary witch hunt" you have decided to forget those that
have asked for their money back, cancelling their AIT membership, or
that have been effectively silenced on the AIT list.


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