[ExI] Earth repositories (on the Moon)

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 22:19:04 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 12 March 2008, ben wrote:
> Um, is it just me, then, that sees something fundamentally daft about
> this idea of storing information about how to bootstrap a
> civilisation in a form that can only be accessed by a civilisation
> that already has a pretty advanced technology base?

Yep. They say they want to have some hardcore guarded 'receivers' on the 
planet's surface, but this means government facilities probably, which 
means it'd be inaccessible to the public. Kind of weird.

> Anyway, how are they supposed to know what radios are, or how to use
> them? Instructions written on stone tablets? ...

Hm. We need a self-replicating Gutenberg press.

- Bryan
Bryan Bishop

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