[ExI] safer now;

Gary Miller aiguy at comcast.net
Sun Mar 16 13:52:44 UTC 2008

Frank said: 

<< During the convention riots in Chicago in 1968, I was arrested, and
charged with rioting and something else.

The fbi within a week came to where I worked, interviewed my boss and
co-workers and left the impression that I was attempting to over thrown the

A black car was stationed with the two suits for all of two months in front
of the house,,,

An there were clicks whenever we answered the telephone.

Now  because 18 guys high jacked four planes, and flew them into three
building, my entire world has changed.

They are now going though my mail and my garbage they are listening to my
telephone, and there is still a black car park in front on the house.

I had done the foolish act of going to Istanbul, and marrying a woman who is
not a Christian,

1968 2008 what is the changed in my world , nothing, the government is just
protecting its ass from me i guess, and until we say enough they will
continue protecting their turf.

Complaining will not help, bloging will not help, the internet will not
help, only when the American people say enough and will be willing to do
something about it then the freedoms which people have died for again will
live in this country, but until then  we will get what we deserve,  a crack
pot old man from Arizona,  a woman who wants to run a country while she
could not keep track of her husband predilections,  a guy from Chicago, who
was absent 70% from his job as a state senator,,, or a guy who paid 80,000
to women for sex, when he could have gone to Moscow and got a lifetime
membership to 20 different brothels with 20 times better looking women for
20% of 80,000 >> 

Frank I believe you when you describe that their was negative fallout from
you being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  1968 was a turbulent year
and in many cases the government overreacted to protestors and riots were
triggered due to lack of police training in how to handle those situations
safely without escalating them. Due to the assassinations of John F. Kennedy
and Martin Luther King Jr. the whole government was fearing widespread

I have a great deal of respect for those who protested the war peacefully
and were driven by their desire for bring us home from Vietnam.  All
patriots when they decide to protest though must pay a price in their time,
energy, and risk.  If a riot breaks out and they are swept up in it there
are repercussions.  I would suggest filing and Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request and finding out just what all did transpire.  They probably
will redact anything within the last 7 years but they show you the black
where it's been redacted so at least you'll know that something did go on.
I also would not be hesitant to go talk to the people in the black car in a
friendly manner. Bring them coffee, talk to them, give them your side of
what happened.   They don't want to be there either.  And if they won't talk
to you and the car's still there call your local police department with the
plate and ask them to verify that the person is not casing the neighborhood
for a robbery.  It maybe that the neighbor suspects his wife of cheating and
is having her watched by a Private investigator.  

I too am dismayed at the choices we face for our leadership.  I personally
don't care if a woman chooses to turn her head if her husband is not
monogamous all the time women do this everyday.  In wealthy circles this is
known as an arrangement.  Sometimes it is unspoken but both husband and wife
accept it. And I do not care if a man feels the need to pay for sex as long
as it's not at the taxpayers expense.  But I do mind the hypocrisy of
toughening the laws against average Joes who visit street hookers while at
the same time they are paying $4300 an hour for the same privileges.  And I
am extremely uncomfortable with a candidate whose church spews such vile
Anti-American hatred as Obama's does and then he expects us to believe that
he did not know such sermons were being given.  This man was his personal
friend if these are the things he is telling his congregation in public what
is he telling his friend, possibly the future president in private?  That's
just scary as fuck, I'm sorry!

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