[ExI] solar cell innovation

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Mon Mar 31 04:49:22 UTC 2008

At 09:03 PM 3/30/2008 -0700, spike wrote:

>In the next few decades, our gradual transition away from oil for
>transportation will include a hundred different solutions where currently
>there is really only one.

One of the graphs on the site Keith sent us to states that power 
generation uses a derisory amount of oil, < 2 %. How much is used for 
transport? Google points to 2/3 of total.

<oil consumption in the United States and Canada equals almost 3 
gallons per day per capita.  (The difference is these countries' 
transportation sectors, with their dependence on private vehicles to 
travel relatively long distances.)  Oil consumption in the rest of 
the OECD equals 1.4 gallons per day per capita.  Outside of the OECD, 
oil consumption equals 0.2 gallons per day per capita. >

Damien Broderick

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