[ExI] time for a new word?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 18:48:48 UTC 2009

On 4/26/09, Lee Corbin wrote:
>  A word is badly needed, methinks, for
>  "do a web search for". E.g., google
>  for "incompleteness math".
>  But "google" doesn't work since it's
>  not generic (and something else feels
>  wrong about it), and neither do

>From Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English
Copyright © 2003-2009 Dictionary.com, LLC

Main Entry:  	google
Part of Speech:  v
Definition:  	to search for information about a specific person
through the Google search engine
Example:  	She googled her high school boyfriends.
Etymology:  	trademark Google
Usage:  	googling n

Main Entry:  	google
Part of Speech:  	v
Definition:  	to search for information on the Internet, esp. using
the Google search engine
Example:  	We googled to find the definition of the new word.
Etymology:  	trademark Google
Usage:  	googling n


>From The Online Etymology Dictionary
google (v.)
    "to search (something) on the Google search engine," 2000
(do a google on was used by 1999).
The domain google.com was registered in 1997.



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