[ExI] climategate again

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Dec 1 17:09:59 UTC 2009


> ...On Behalf Of Max More
> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 8:19 AM
> ...
> I'm feeling pretty lonely on this issue. Just about everyone 
> on all sides of the issue seem to be very certain of what's going on. 
> Despite considerable reading of clashing sources (or because 
> of it), I remain highly unsure.
> Max

You said it Max, you and I are two lonely guys together.  I think the planet
is probably warming, but we don't know how much, because the people
entrusted with this calculation have shown they were intentionally trying to
force it one direction, and corrupted the peer review process.  The
warming-peers were apparently empowered by partisan fundng and memetically

Now we have a huge task ahead of us: try to resurrect the original raw data,
and gather it somehow, then utilize the main tool that the 1980s era
researchers did not have: the internet, where everyone can get at that data,
and collectively or individually try to extract signals from that enormous
bowl of thin data soup.


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