[ExI] Belief in Market Efficiency

Fred C. Moulton moulton at moulton.com
Mon Feb 2 23:08:41 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 09:49 -0800, samantha wrote:

> The South seceded because of economic exploitation by the North.  The 
> rest are side issues.

I think this statement is not born out the historical record.  It seems
to me that the Confederate States seceded for a variety of reasons:
- Allowing or not allowing slavery in territories and new states
- The possibility of abolition of slavery
- Tariff and other economic issues

My friend Jeff Hummel wrote a book titled "Emancipating Slaves,
Enslaving Free Men" that covers the history of the lead up to secession
and the war which followed.  He discusses some of the reasons and
feeling of those who advocated succession and the general history of
what happened in pages 129 to 148 of the book.


>   It was also about the freedom, supposedly 
> guaranteed to secede and go your own way.
> Slavery was becoming increasing uneconomical and was not at all the core 
> issue to most Confederates or to many Yankees for that manner.  Of 
> course once it got really rolling most *reasons* disappeared into the 
> immediacy of bloody civil war.
> - samantha
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