[ExI] the Battlestar Galactica series finale

Henrique Moraes Machado (CI) cetico.iconoclasta at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 13:01:36 UTC 2009

John Grigg> How many of you saw the Battlestar Galactica series finale?  I 
> extremely impressed by it, especially the final scene involving robots
> and AGI.  I thought the ending was smart and fun.  I could see
> transhumanists wanting the roles the A.I. Gaius and A.I. Caprica had
> at the end/beginning of things...
> I'd like to know what the rest of you thought about it.  And to what
> extent you considered the series and ending, transhumanistic.

Loved it.
It's the simulation argument romanced and god is the big frakking computer 
running it (although it doesn't like that name as hinted by A.I. Gaius). 
What else could explain Starbuck coming back from the dead with a new ship 
in pristine state other than the simulation operators subverting the rules a 
BSG is the ultimate Matrix without the silly duracell people and with 
copious carnage.

Funny thing about the series. Those who are into our kind of stuff 
(transumanism, extropy, etc) tend to observe the finale from the point of 
view of A.I. Gaius and A.I. Six. Those less connected to these themes (or 
not at all) tend to view it through the eyes of the simulated beings.

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