[ExI] Sigh (was: never say never)

John Clark jonkc at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 1 16:21:37 UTC 2010

On Jun 30, 2010, at 8:09 AM, Stefano Vaj wrote:
> Are casinos' results infinitesimally but consistently worse over years
> and years than they should on a purely statistical basis? No idea...

Oh I think I have an idea, and if psi exists at all it just can't be infinitesimal. If the psi effect were anywhere near large enough for crummy scientists with teeny sample size to detect it then the effect would be obvious to a blind man in a fog bank when dealing with casinos with their HUGE sample size. In particular it would be obvious to government tax collectors who would be screaming bloody murder and asking why their take of the action is smaller than mathematicians say it should be. Casino operators would have to prove that psi is real or somebody is going to jail for tax avoidance. 

  John K Clark 

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