[ExI] Current Psychology

Sabrina Ballard sabrina.ballard at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 30 20:34:05 UTC 2010

>  In essence, the western psychological community has spent too much time
> focusing on negative aspects of humanity (e.g. the DSM) whereas positive
> psychologists believe attention should be focused on positive traits and the
> enhancement thereof.

Yes I would agree that there is a tradition to focus on what is wrong with
an individual instead of working on enhancing the current "good" qualities.
I think that a change is perspective to balance this will be nessicary for
transhumanism. To both conquer the "bad" and enhance the "good". Those of
course being subjective.

>  I speculate that Positive Psychology will work rather well as a
> psychological overlay upon any sort of collective intelligence that humans
> might develop, with a biological substrate or otherwise.

Could you please elaborate on your point a bit? I think I know what you
mean, but I want to be certian. Thank you!

And yes, that is just fine for a first post. I know mine was worse and
completely unsupported.
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