[ExI] Meta was Psi in a major science journal.

Giulio Prisco giulio at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 06:16:03 UTC 2010

This is a science topic, not a holy war. If psi exists, sooner or later
science will explain it.

Giulio Prisco
giulio at gmail.com

On Oct 22, 2010 8:11 AM, "Damien Broderick" <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:

On 10/22/2010 12:26 AM, John Clark wrote: >> Read Bem's paper. > Why? I
can't imagine learning an...
Exactly, so your opinion on the topic is worthless.

Why am I "so touchy (defensive)" as Isabelle puts it? For the same reason
most people on this forum would be, I expect, if we were treated to similar
know-nothing blather from a "creation scientist." I realize that most list
readers probably won't see it that way, because they also "know" in advance
that the topic, rather than the Shove-your-telescope response, is
preposterous BULLSHIT.

Damien Broderick

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