[ExI] Precog PCs

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Sun Oct 24 22:11:23 UTC 2010

This is a weird thread.

If I really wanted to try to develop a precog PC, the best approach at
this juncture would be genetic algorithms.

First you would start with a FPGA setup such as those that have already
been employed in genetic algorithm research. Then you would get yourself
a bunch of random sensors, -- anything you could think of... Since we
don't know what we're looking for, use high-speed, high-resolution DACs
for all sensors.

Your fitness function would be something like "how well can the code
predict a binary string produced by an extremely good entropy source.
The binary file should be about a kb in length. (equivalent to that many
coin flips). The device should be allowed 10 seconds to come up with a
guess and should be allowed to reverse-transmit the file for another ten
seconds after it's done before being reprogrammed to run the next code
in the population.

I think the rule in science is that the probability of the outcome must
be more than 25% out of the range of what would be expected given
nothing. I'd have to sit and analyze this situation. The expected value
is 50%, so if it is better than 65% or so on repeated tests (never
dropping below 50%) then we might have a signal...

Due to the time required to run the fitness function, and the
sensitivity of the system to the exact experimental apparatus it is
running on, the experiment would require years to run. However if it
shows no improvement after a year or two then it should be possible to
rule out any pre-cognitive effects on the hardware provided.

It should be noted that "retro causal" signaling HAS BEEN OBSERVED in
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging studies. During my brief stint at the
Carnegie Institute of Washington one of the researchers there showed me
a printout showing a signal about 1/4th as strong as the main signal
*propagating backwards through time*. So yes, there is definitely an
excellent reason to fund this experiment!

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