[ExI] META: Overposting (psychology of morals)

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Sun Feb 27 15:32:28 UTC 2011

Anders wrote:

>I think it can be explained by Jonathan Haidt's moral foundations 
>theory and Phil Tetlock's sacred values theory. Basically, 
>libertarians and anti-libertarians step on each other's sacred values.

Thanks. I'll definitely have to look into these. They seem like more 
thought-out versions of my point about starving children vs. force.

It would be interesting to build a morality version of the Nolan 
political quiz. Correlate one with the other.

I also see personality correlations. Extropians and libertarians are 
much more likely to be xNTP.

Eugen replied:

>Jack-booted goose-stepping fascist moderation from hell. Nothing 
>lesser will do.

and then John quipped:

>Eugen, I definitely do not want to live in any post-singularity 
>society that you control!  But Anders on the other hand...

I'm reminded of the 1984 vision of the future of mankind: "If you 
want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face 
-- forever." which Harlan Ellison morphed into his AGI-induced hell 
"I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream."

-- David.

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