[ExI] Libertarianism wins again...

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Thu Jul 21 19:19:59 UTC 2011

On 07/20/2011 09:47 AM, Kelly Anderson wrote:
> 2011/7/20 Dan<dan_ust at yahoo.com>:
>> And the drug cartels are creatures of the state. Were it not for the drug
>> war and very strict gun control in Mexico, people wouldn't be killing each
>> other in such large numbers over who gets to sell recreational products in
>> this or that area.
> This is a major point on the libertarian agenda. Get rid of the
> prohibition against drugs, and legitimize the cartels as legal
> businesses, tax them, and move on trying to educate people not to use
> drugs, even though they are now legal.

True libertarians don't believe in such taxes.  But yes, dropping the 
bogus war on some drugs would drastically lower violent crime and many 
government excuses to blatantly ignore the Constitution.  It would also 
remove about 60% of the largest prison population (numerically and 
per-capita) on earth.

Particularly with ubiquitous surveillance inevitable technically it is a 
matter of life and death that we do not criminalize private behavior 
such as this.

- s

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