[ExI] Superior Autobiographical Memory

Richard Loosemore rpwl at lightlink.com
Mon Jun 27 15:40:29 UTC 2011

Max More wrote:
> Does anyone else here have the sense that their memory of past events is 
> particularly poor?

Quite the opposite.  I have plenty of memories that go back to about 18 
months.  (My facebook photo is of me at that age, and I remember the brush).

Beginning to think there is something wrong with me, though, given all 
the people on this list who claim diminished recall.

And, a propos of the people with radically complete recall, this is 
probably an autism spectrum issue.  They probably suffer side effects as 
a result of it, and there is probably a good reason why the "normal" 
brain does not flood us with total recall.

Richard Loosemore

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