[ExI] Zero State & other 'splinter' transhumanist movements

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Tue May 3 13:53:26 UTC 2011

2011/5/3 Amon Zero <amon at doctrinezero.com>:


> In short, transhumanism appears to be splintering.

Happened to the post Apollo space movement.  L5 Society (later merged
into the National Space Society) was one of the early ones, but there
were dozens of them, maybe a dozen of them of them still around.  It's
my considered opinion that none of them accomplish anything useful.

In the early days a number of them had leaders or active members that
were contributing technical work, but as time went on, they left and
the people who remained were high on political motivation, but
completely unable to judge ideas on technical feasibility or even at
the level of high school physics.


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