[ExI] Capitalism, anti capitalism, emotional arousal

natasha at natasha.cc natasha at natasha.cc
Thu Nov 10 22:39:31 UTC 2011

   Quoting Dennis May <dennislmay at yahoo.com>:

> Natasha  wrote:
> < My ideological position is as a designer.  I think about 
> < socio-economics and biopolitics as a design problem. My political 
> < leaning: "locate the problem, find the most effective way to resolve 
> < it, and get going."  This has to be done with an unbiased, logical 
> < methodology for seeing what is most workable, doable with the most 
> < amount of thought/knowledge and the least amount of waste.  It is a 
> < formula to resolve rather than to label.
> The correct design solution is to create the societal infrastructure
> for free people to find their own solutions - whether this is a minimalist
> government or Anarcho-Capitalism.

   Let's look at what you are saying: "the correct design solution" is  
actually your correct design solution because you are supposing two  
systems. So, this might be better called "a design system" and that  
design system is considering a social infrastructure for people who  
are free and choose between minimalist government and  
anarcho-capitalism as variables.

   > If on the other hand you intend to micro-manage you will immediately
> run into the issue of insufficient knowledge to correctly carry out the
> task of designing - and people will suffer as a result.

   Micromanaging is a behavioral approach to managing others, and not  
a pleasant or healthy characteristic. 

   Design is a process that finds solutions for specific situations. 

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