[ExI] FW: taking remote causation too far

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 17:33:57 UTC 2012

On 12/14/12, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> Hmm, where exactly is Professor X professor? I remember the cheers in
> the local theatre when the shots of Oxford appeared in "First Class".
> Afterwards we were all happily nitpicking details (Xavier would have
> been unlikely to have performed a thesis defense at the Sheldonian, they
> put a fictional pub under the Bridge of Sighs rather than the alley
> leading to the Turf Tavern...) But as far as I can remember he did not
> get a professorship, just a degree (his gown would have been different
> if he did; he seemed to have a normal commoner's gown).
> The mutant academy would not count, unless it is an accredited
> university - which I doubt. Given his smarts he might of course be
> part-time professor at a lot of places.

I would think that being a telepath able to read and control other
minds would make passing exams a lot easier. :)  And defending a
thesis - well, you would know what the judges wanted you to say before
you said it.
So he could probably gain any qualification he wanted.

According to Wikipedia -
He graduates with honors at the age of 16 from Harvard University. In
graduate studies he receives Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, and
Psychology with a two year residence at Pembroke College, Oxford
University. He is later appointed Adjunct Professor at Columbia


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