[ExI] Expansion of the Universe

Ben Zaiboc bbenzai at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 29 20:19:41 UTC 2012

BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Quotes:
> Because of the expanding Universe...

> So much for humanity expanding throughout the universe.
> If humanity is ever able to reach another galaxy, we'll only
> get to
> the nearest few out of 200 billion galaxies.

Maybe not necessarily.  What always occurs to me when I read about the expanding universe, is the possibility of something analogous to sound waves in air, applied at a hugely huger scale.  Maybe the universe is reverberating to the big bang, or some similar long-ago event, and we are currently in the expansion phase of a universal 'sound-wave'.  Maybe in a few billion years the galaxies will start compressing together again, then in a few billion years after that, expand again, etc.

Any theoretical objections to this idea?  I've never seen it discussed.

(Note that this is different to the 'periodic big bang' idea.  It's much less dramatic, just a periodic change in the density of the universe, like sound waves in air).

Ben Zaiboc

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