[ExI] mail: a paper device in that metal thing on the front of the house

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 16:40:44 UTC 2012

2012/2/11 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
> Can you imagine the
> latency we used to suffer, when you had to write out a letter by hand and
> send it through the post office?  It is hard to see how you could even
> communicate that way.

Please.  It is perfectly easy to see how you could communicate.
Granted, it wasn't anywhere close to real time, so there were
workarounds for any communications that had to get there ASAP, but
a delay in communication does not render communication impossible.

Heck, even email is sometimes delayed - and in most cases, it is not
realistic to expect the recipient to be checking email every second, or
even to have a notification the moment email comes in.  Postal mail is,
for the most part, just email with longer latency - thus why they're both
called "mail".

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