[ExI] riots again

Omar Rahman rahmans at me.com
Mon Sep 24 23:26:34 UTC 2012

After reading the most recent tirades about religion here complete with the always insightful Hitler comparisons and rape metaphors etc. I am minded to direct your collective attention to:


For your amusement I urge you to keep score as the signal to noise ratio seems to be too far into noise's favor for effective communication.

What might be interesting discuss is; will religion itself, or at least the religious impulse in transhuman people, survive?

My thinking is that to have an individual identity we must draw some line around ourselves and to have a meaningful (to us) existence we must draw a line somewhere outside of ourselves to give a context. Religion will forever be in that space outside of our context line, outside the knowable. The interesting things are what we do in the space between our two lines and the fact that no two individuals draw their lines in quite the same way.

What do others think? Will religion become obsolete as we upgrade and expand our thought? Will our thinking change qualitatively if we upgrade our SocialUintSize number from the present less than 8 bit number to a 1024 bit number? Will we find an acceptable way to 'be ourselves' without simulating adrenaline/testosterone/etc. or pain. What would things be like if love and hate were platonic?

Best regards,

Omar Rahman

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