[ExI] The meaning of life (in transhumanism)

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Feb 19 17:17:23 UTC 2014



. On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace

Meaning of life: 1 -  either you discover it or have it revealed to you, or
2 - you make it up.So, meaning is not something something brings to you,
it's something you bring to it.bill


Dear Anders,. Do species knowingly or unknowingly engage in some sort of
'less than zero sum' game of adaptation of environment and self? Does this
explain the Fermi Paradox? .Omar Rahman


Meaning of life, awe and wonder, etc:  when you have some some quiet and
enough time for a mind-blower, google images on "open clusters" and
"globular clusters" to get a feel for a huge wad of stars.  Here's some
pretty good sites: 








Then get a good Hubble image of a nearby galaxy, noting those bright spots
and recognizing that these are open clusters and globulars, each a huge knot
of stars.  That will give you a vague feel for how mind-numbing many stars
are in a typical galaxy.  The word billion is far too easy to say and far
too difficult to comprehend, so do the cluster exercise. 


OK, now go into the NASA site and download a few of their deep space images.
Pick one, any one.  Gaze at that for a while.  Jillions of galaxies,
everywhere we look, every one of them with all those clusters, each cluster
with all those stars, many of those stars with planets.  If that exercise
doesn't inject something profound into the whole meaning of life ponderfest,
your mind is just wired differently from mine.



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