[ExI] [Bulk] Re: Virtual Reality is where the aliens are

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 14:51:00 UTC 2015

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 12:15 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> But to the contrary, I am filled with cognitive dissonance, now more than
> ever.  My cog-dis isn’t going away, it is getting worse over time.  I know
> that my current understanding of the universe, of evolution, of reality
> utterly fails to explain why there aren’t signals out there from other
> advanced civilizations.  My understanding fails to explain why the double
> slit experiment works the way it does.  If fails to explain why space and
> time are quantized.  Of all these, the failure to find cosmic signals
> bothers me the most: the others should be out there, and they should be
> detectable.  Otherwise I and we are still missing something fundamental.

I hope you (all) can translate this jumble of words and words about
math into a mental picture at least similar enough to what I am trying
to share...

Imagine LineLand inhabitants in the x-axis universe of y=0.  Of course
they don't understand the y dimension, that's just for our reference.
Let's plot y=sin(x)  Where our plot touches their universe they see a
perfectly regular distance between discrete and otherwise unremarkable
points.  How would we even explain the sin() function to them?

Interestingly, the inhabitants of a parallel dimension y=1 (and y=-1)
would have a very similar understanding of our sin() function and the
regular intervals at which it appears in their universe.

An infinite number of parallel dimensions [y<-1 and y>1] would have no
appearance of our sin() plot in their universe, so to them we do not

To those Real (but non-zero) universes [-1 < y < 1] the expression of
our sin() function yields regular pairs of intersections with their
universe.  The unique nature of understanding their universe's
intersection with our sin() function is a signature of cosmological
constants for their universe.  Also noteworthy is the relationship
between the sign of the y-axis identities:  they share an
understanding of the exact distances (frequency) between
intersections, though the starting point (relative to some x=0
reference) would be shifted.  Lets assume they are advanced enough to
somehow detect and understand the x=0 reference point.

Ok, I assume everyone has read Flatland. :)  There is a
higher-dimensional equivalence around the planar concerns for
inhabitants of z=0 and their neighboring parallel planes with respect
to 3d surface functions.

So where are we blind to higher-dimensional equivalence due to our
ignorance of dimensions outside [x,y,z,t] ?

I know... don't invent dimension just to pose a hypothetical.  I
appreciate that.  The universal laws for planar creatures inhabiting
z=0 may discover internally consistent subsets of higher-universal
laws due to the very special effects of their unique position at z=0
in higher-order equations.  Is our spacetime in a similarly-special
address of hyperspacetime?

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