[ExI] political disaster was: request to tone down politics

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 22:03:35 UTC 2016

Still, trying to steer towards extropian themes: the way of handling
disasters is to (1) avoid them happening, (2) make actions during the event
to mitigate damage, and (3) have good recovery options. It might be
interesting to analyse the problem of political systems going into
headspins this way. anders

Russia has been dysfunctional for nearly 100 years.  Surely they have tried
to tweak the system many times, to no avail.  Why don't they change?  Why
don't Cuba and North Korea, seeing as how these countries are in permanent
disaster?  Is it just that they are ruled by strongmen who control the

There is a time to give up on a theory, political or otherwise.  Yet
Marxism seems to hang around like a stubborn wart.  To quote John:

I don't get it.

(social psych study:  take a quote from Marx:  "From each according to his
ability and to each according to his needs" and take it on the street and
ask people if they agree with it.  If you tell them that Marx said it you
will get strong disagreement.  If you tell it it's by Jefferson, you get
strong agreement.  Similar results when you give people a copy of the
Declaration of Independence and tell them Marx wrote it.  Sad several ways.)

bill w

On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Anders <anders at aleph.se> wrote:

> On 2016-06-04 14:35, spike wrote:
> I can scarcely imagine what it must look like to outsiders who can only
> look on with dismay.  A country with all those nukes going into what looks
> like internal chaos.
> Yup. Does not look good. Of course, over in the UK we have the brexit
> nonsense to deal with. But that only reveals stupidity in the ruling class,
> not active maliciousness.
> Still, trying to steer towards extropian themes: the way of handling
> disasters is to (1) avoid them happening, (2) make actions during the event
> to mitigate damage, and (3) have good recovery options. It might be
> interesting to analyse the problem of political systems going into
> headspins this way.
> --
> Dr Anders Sandberg
> Future of Humanity Institute
> Oxford Martin School
> Oxford University
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