[ExI] Humans losing freewill

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 02:05:20 UTC 2016

On Sat, William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​
> I agree that no action is random, but maintain that all actions are
> determined.

​There is nothing in logic that demands every event have a cause, quantum
mechanics says true randomness exists and from experiment, specifically the
observation that Bell's inequality is violated, we know that AT LEAST one
of the following 3 concepts about the universe must be untrue:

1) Determinism (everything has a cause and thus nothing is random)

2) Locality (the
future can not change the past and distance diminishes the strength and
speed of an effect

3) Realism (
things are in a definite state even if they
​are not being observed) ​

I'd like all three
​ ​
​to be true
but if I had to give up one of them (and I do)
​ then​
I'd give up determinism
o my mind it would be the least disturbing, and giving up
 would be the most disturbing

 the universe may not agree with me so for all I know all 3 may be false

​If ​
the Everett
​ is true then ​
from a point of view that
​ can
exist, like the viewpoint
​ ​
standing outside
the multiverse looking
back in
at it
all 3 of those attributes, locality
determinism and realism,
can exist together;
​say I said ​
that is a viewpoint that can not exist
​that's like
saying if 2+2=5 then 2+2+2=7.
>From the viewpoint of any observer anywhere in the multiverse ( in other
words from any possible
observer) determinism locality
and realism cannot all be true, at least one must be wrong.

John K Clark​
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