[ExI] If you follow the developments with Tabby's star . .

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 19:59:37 UTC 2016

On 16 September 2016 at 20:17, Anders  wrote:
> OK, in this case we don't have gravity measurements - if we had microlensing
> things would be way clearer. And I doubt anybody has seen anything using the
> radial velocity method.

This blog post models an accretion disk to match the dimming.

I have proposed a type of model that is mathematically simple and,
with slight variations, is able to produce excellent fits for all the
major brightness drops observed in Tabby's star. If this is the
correct type of model — its goodness of fit is highly encouraging —
the following hypotheses should be considered:

1) Tabby's star has one ore more partially constructed Niven Rings.
All partial rings are likely in the same orbital plane and possibly
the same orbit.

2) Tabby's star hosts a Dyson Swarm, and some objects in the swarm
cluster alongside shared orbits, with an object distribution given by
an approximation of a Monod equation. Perhaps the distribution is
intentional in D800, and meant to be a beacon.

3) We might be looking at the birth of an accretion disk, or a partial
accretion disk. Perhaps Tabby's star is being slowly swallowed by
another star or a black hole. Perhaps there's a natural reason why
disk material would approximate a Monod distribution, quite perfectly
sometimes, and chaotically on different occasions.


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