[ExI] Fwd: Raymond Smullyan

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 20:51:48 UTC 2017

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 6:48 AM, Max More <max at maxmore.com> wrote:

I have to confess that The* Tao is Silent* has sit on my bookshelf for way
> too many years (okay, decades), partly unread. But didn't he contribute to *The
> Mind's I?* (Which I definitely read all the way through.)

Yes he did, and the Mind's I was how I was introduced to Smullyan
​, after that I read everything by Smullyan I could get my hands on.​

​> ​
> 97 is ridiculously young to die, assuming he wanted to keep learning and
> exploring (assuming a rejuvenated brain and restored cognitive energy.)

​I agree 100%.​

​> ​
> My other comment (based on very old and unreliable memories) is that,
> although I find it hard to take Taoism and its pre-scientific speculations
> especially seriously, Smullyan took it in an especially interesting
> direction. Most self-advertised combinations of "Western and Eastern"
> thought seem to be close to worthless. [Mention Deepak Chopra and I may
> feel compelled to "school you" in the harshest way possible. :) ] Based on
> my sadly-faded memories, Smullyan was surely an exception.

Even when I dis
​ ​
​I thought he was brilliant, and he was just a joy to read, his books were
always fun.

​John K Clark​

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