[ExI] Self-driving cars to make moral and ethical decisions like humans

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Jul 18 14:51:28 UTC 2017

>... On Behalf Of BillK
Subject: Re: [ExI] Self-driving cars to make moral and ethical decisions
like humans

>...Re AI car subscription model, the problem I have seen raised is 'who is
going to clean the car out?'. :)

>...Taxi and Uber drivers already face the problem of cleaning their cars
after disruptive passengers.
(Disruptive behaviour covers a very wide range, from litter, lost
possessions, damage, vomiting, using the taxi as a toilet, etc.). With no
human driver supervision, passenger behaviour could be expected to get

It is surprising how little has been said about that.  

Consider one of the biggest challenges of urban stealth sweethearts: finding
some private space.  Driverless Uber cars would be just the thing for that.
The whole notion gives me a great idea.  Consider public restrooms: you
don't want to touch anything, so they supply those paper ass-gaskets.  Now
think of the driverless Uber-car: a disposable sheet of something you use to
prevent having to touch the same public surface from which that exhausted
young couple just emerged: a seat-condom.  We could make a buttload of


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