[ExI] A decentralized autonomous space agency

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 21:58:22 UTC 2017

How is this meaningfully different from the (literally) thousands of
space startup companies all across the world, other than that you
haven't yet picked a particular project or set of related projects to
focus on?

"Funded by bitcoin/crypto" is not a meaningful difference; more than
one of those others is too.  "Assembles space hardware from prefab
components" is true of at least a quarter of them.  "Is focused on one
or more potentially world changing projects" is true of most of them -
the dreams run strong - except, again, they have decided which
specific projects they will work upon.  Likewise "global, distributed,
decentralized" has been done in spades (not "to death" because it has
proven a viable model - but at this point it's a bit short of saying,
"and our people will sit on chairs").

And if it isn't, why should anyone care, when they can instead find
one of those startups (one that works on a project that appeals to
them), work with/for them, and have a far higher chance of success and

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but you need answers to those questions if
you seek to accomplish anything.  Your overview doc acknowledges that
you need to decide on "WHY/WHAT" before moving past that, but it's
deeper than you know: deciding on the what will, necessarily, exclude
people who aren't interested in that particular what - and only then
will you see if you have a group capable of addressing that particular

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 3:26 AM, Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:
> I started a working group to discuss conceptual and implementation
> related aspects of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
> focused on world-changing space projects. Comments, thoughts and
> requests to join welcome.
> https://giulioprisco.com/a-decentralized-autonomous-space-agency-43232aed471c
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