[ExI] evolution and crazy thinking

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 17:51:38 UTC 2018

Yes but random mutation and natural selection can only get you so far,
future improvements will need a intelligent designer. Those mental flubs
and errors you mentioned are good evidence that our minds were not made be
a intelligent designer, much less a infinitely wise one.

> ​>* ​*
> *I hope it gets the chance.*

I still think we have a fighting chance of reaching the singularity
reasonably intact, although my confidence is only about a third what it was
2 years ago.

​ John K Clark​

So, are you implying that artificial intelligence programs will teach us
how to think, after, maybe much after the singularity?  That they will
expose all of our errors, cast them out and do the problems the right way?
Programming themselves thus becomes a lesson for us in problem-solving, eh?

I am reminded of the old story about the little girl who was taught that
the computers did all the incredible work of mathematics to get the
answers, to which she replied "But how do you know that they are the right

bill w

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 12:31 PM, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 2:26 PM, William Flynn Wallace <
> foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ​>
>> *Evolution did a great job but it has a long way to go. *
> Yes but random mutation and natural selection can only get you so far,
> future improvements will need a intelligent designer. Those mental flubs
> and errors you mentioned are good evidence that our minds were not made be
> a intelligent designer, much less a infinitely wise one.
>> ​>* ​*
>> *I hope it gets the chance.*
> I still think we have a fighting chance of reaching the singularity
> reasonably intact, although my confidence is only about a third what it was
> 2 years ago.
> ​ John K Clark​
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