[ExI] More FRB News

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Sat Jul 6 01:41:57 UTC 2019

Congratulations on your recent retirement, John. As an electrical  
engineer, signal processing is one of your fortes so would you care to  
opine as to what causes FRBs? Frequencies in 111 MHz range are used  
for aircraft navigation in the US but are there any known  
non-technological sources of that frequency?

Stuart LaForge

Quoting John Clark:

>  Yesterday the journal Nature reported the detection on May 23 of  
> the most distant Fast Radio Burst ever discovered, it came from a  
> massive galaxy 7.9 billion light years away breaking the previous  
> record set just last week of 4 billion lightyears:
> A fast radio burst localized to a massive galaxy
> And last Friday a Russian observatory reported seeing 9 new FRB's at  
> 111MHz ,  and one of them was only the third FRB ever found that  
> repeated:
>  Search for Fast Radio Burst at the frequency 111 MHz
> Now that we know what to look for we're seeing Fast Radio Bursts  
> everywhere, in old galaxies much larger than ours, in young galaxies  
> much smaller than ours, and in galaxies that look very much like  
> ours. 
> John K Clark
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