[ExI] Are Tests Biased Against Students Who Don't Give A Shit?

Will Steinberg steinberg.will at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 01:29:35 UTC 2020

In my opinion, school should:

1) Track students into what they are interested in.  Yes, learn to spell,
basic arithmetic, etc.  Not everyone needs calculus, or needs to read
Dickens.  And I went to a big "core education" school (University of
Chicago) but I think that the core can be kind of elitist.

2) Integrate work into school far more.  IMO, every student should be in an
apprenticeship by the time they are 16.

Imagine little Timmy is interested in gardening.  So teach him to garden
from age 10 to age 20.  With an education like that, who needs college?
College doesn't mean shit these days because bachelor's degrees are so
oversaturated that you need a higher degree anyway for everything but basic
stuff.  Much better to teach kids work skills and other stuff like
financial/social/emotional skills than to force non-mathy kids to take calc.
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