[ExI] Well-roundedness and character

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 03:16:32 UTC 2020

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 7:58 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> These DNA tests are really only reliable back about 6 generations or so,
> but my own African ancestor is only 5 generations back.  The 60 dollar DNA
> tests picked it up in all of us who are on that branch of the family tree.
> So I have an actual number (verified by multiple DNA tests (two different
> services for several relatives (rather than a breezy claim (or a dark
> complexion (which can be faked.)))))
So genetic racism?

Please spin me a tale about how DNA testing is going to make bigotry
obsolete instead of double-down on hating those who are fundamentally
"different" (even if those most prejudiced have no idea what the numbers
actually mean)

I think we're very clever to be reading sourcecode for a person's
hardware,  but i don't think we're mature enough to be using the
information responsibly.

Yeah, it's all great fun & games... for now.

Other than gross incompetence being the saviour from dystopian futures, how
are we building the ethical framework and legal protection to ensure we're
not hog-tied and horse-whipped "by the numbers" that DNA exposes in every
living thing on earth?

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