[ExI] occupation and IQ - two data sets

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Nov 20 13:45:29 UTC 2020



….> On Behalf Of John Grigg via extropy-chat

Subject: Re: [ExI] occupation and IQ - two data sets


>… I've read that military officers usually get higher results from IQ tests than executives in corporate America. I find that fact very interesting and not really surprising…John 


John I would be surprised if it came out any other way.  The military is really good about figuring out who they have, what they can do, discovering their talents, training them to their potential but not beyond.  


If you get to know officers, you come away very impressed with them as a group, more than one does with doctors as a group.  I don’t recall meeting any dummies among the ossifers in many years of working with them.  This characteristic makes retired officers highly desirable employees in any corporation.






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