[ExI] fax machines and chatgpt

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Aug 7 04:57:15 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Keith Henson via extropy-chat

>...It is.  People get attention and that releases endorphins and dopamine (think opiates and cocaine).  The various step programs provide attention which replaces the effects of various drugs with something more normal.

>...Wish you the best.


Keith I have a friend who got involved in 12 step programs, not to break an addiction but to help addicts get clean and stay clean.  He was a Mormon since always, never did either drugs or alcohol himself.  But he found he was very good at helping addicts.

I wrote he "was" a Mormon.  As far as I can tell, he drifted away from the church.  He may be still mostly sympathetic with it I suppose.

A strong argument can be made that those who do not have addictions cannot know what it is like to have them.  I will buy into it.  At the same time, I would argue that addicts pose a risk to the non-addicted.  This is easy enough to see in San Francisco, where they have been importing addicts as fast as they can Hoover them up, from all over the nation and all over the planet.  Now... San Francisco is the place to not be.



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