[ExI] blocked?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 16:36:23 UTC 2023

On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 at 15:37, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Thx BillK.  Only the first one of ChatGPT’s answers (shown below) is applicable in this case.
> The bottles were inside a canvas bag (so no light exposure (so no microbial growth)) and were not handled.
> The gas space didn’t change much (but the volume of the bottle changed by a lot (about 200 cc
> (so the bottles themselves appeared to be collapsed or crushed.))
> The bottles were stored indoors (no significant temperature changes) with nothing on top of them,
> so they were not under pressure, no altitude changes, no handling.
> The bottles were on their sides, so the caps were submerged the entire time.
> Conclusion: these teenage bottles demonstrated water diffuses thru PVC over time.
> I was at a tragically advanced age when I first learned that was even a possibility.
> So cool!  Had you wagered me on this before yesterday, I woulda lost that bet, arguing that
> water does not diffuse thru plastic, and certainly not at a perfectly consistent rate.
>  Well, it does.  Now I have a most remarkable example of it.
> spike
> ________________________________

Yes, you can often get sensible answers from ChatGPT, but that isn't
what I was referring to.
ChatGPT doesn't do a web search, so may miss some data.

My examples were web search engines that use AI to produce a summary
of the search results.
This should typically produce better results than a chatbot like ChatGPT.


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