[ExI] junk food diet

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 2 16:32:30 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> 

>>>....  On 4500 calories a day, none of us were gaining weight...Keith

>>... We used to dreeeaammmmm of 4500 calories a day.

>...At the time I was still a military dependent and could shop the commissary at Davis-Monthan. Roast was 19 cents a pound.


We used to dreeeaaammmm of owning 19 cents.


Keith this part isn't the four Yorkshire gentlemen: the college where I graduated had no meat.  If you wanted that, you had to go way off campus somewhere which would require a car (I had no car) or a bicycle (I had no bicycle) or in a pinch a skateboard might do (I had no skateboard.)  But we could borrow a car and go get boxes of you-pick-em apples at ten cents a pound, being in apple country (southern Washington.)

In retrospect, I don't know how the hell I managed to win my bride's heart with no money, no car, no good looks, no personality, no brains, nothing.  She also had no money and no car, but she had the rest of the package.  So... we never left campus.  Except on foot.  If we could afford shoes.


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