[ExI] India and the periodic table

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 9 00:40:52 UTC 2023

...> On Behalf Of efc--- via extropy-chat

>...I propose "the third way" where companies return to their roots and only
focus on long term profit and skip the politics...

The third way you propose, if anything, is an understatement.  I would
emphasize that the CEO is hired specifically to maximize profits for the
shareholders.  It is one's ethical duty to do the job one is hired to do.
The CEO is not hired to right every wrong in society.  That is what we elect
politicians to do.  CEOs should check their politics at the door, focus on
making money.  That's their job, their only job, and their duty.

>...What do you think? Could this be a new trend?

>...Best regards,

The Bud Light signal is hard to ignore.  It was an object lesson that most
CEOs heard loud and clear.  A few missed it.  Target missed the target,
ended up alienating nearly everybody.  Fire that CEO, get one who will keep
quiet, serve everyone, don't participate in society's culture wars.

It would be nice of the universities would likewise back away from culture
wars, but those seem to be the primary battle fields.


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